Human rights & International Criminal Law

The Firm offers legal assistance in matters associated with human rights and international criminal law, including defense in international courts and tribunals and extradition proceedings

Our firm has vast experience in international criminal law cases and provide criminal defense in international crime including extradition cases and European Arrest Warrant cases, international aspects of white collar crime charges, international money laudering charges, international computer crimes and Internet crimes, asset forfeiture and public corruption charges. 

Our firm deliver comprehensive advice in human rights cases. We advise commercial clients on their human rights policies, particularly in the light of the adoption by the UN Human Rights Council of the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights  and the applicability to their business of instruments such as the European Convention on Human Rights and the Charter of Fundamental Rights. We also reprezent individuals whose fundamental rights had been breached in both national and international courts and tribunals

Any questions?

T: 61 222 47 48
